Everything You Need to Know About Hearing Aids

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According to the Hearing Health Foundation, 33% of adults aged 65 to 74 in the United States live with hearing loss. Though, acquired hearing loss is not solely an age-related problem. In fact, as many as 26 million people between the ages of 20 and 69 suffer with a degree of hearing loss, which can range from mild to severe. If you think you might be affected, hearing aids could dramatically improve your quality of life.

How Do Hearing Aids Help?

Most people suffering with hearing loss can derive considerable benefit from using hearing aids. In fact, it is estimated that hearing aids would be a suitable treatment option in around 80% of hearing loss cases – not just in instances of moderate to severe impairment.

In older adults, hearing loss is associated with a five times greater risk of dementia and a three times greater risk of fall-related injury. Even in younger adults, the early stages of hearing loss have been linked to mental health issues and premature cognitive decline. Fortunately, research clearly indicates that these problems can be avoided, and in some cases even reversed, with the use of hearing aids.

Types of Hearing Aids

Thanks to significant advances in technology, wearing hearing aids does not carry the stigma it once did. Despite there being a wide range of options available, all hearing aids fall into one of two main categories:

ITE hearing aids are typically custom-moulded to fit the shape of the wearer’s ear canal. Modern BTE devices are hidden behind the ear, with a small tube or funnel that feeds sound directly into the ear.

Top Features

Modern digital hearing aids come with a huge variety of features that can enhance the wearer’s listening experience and help them adjust to different sound environments. Here are some of the main features to look out for:

These features are extremely common among modern hearing aids, though they are not equally effective across devices. An audiologist or hearing aid specialist will be able to discuss the attributes of different models and brands with you.

Popular Brands

With so many hearing aid models to choose from, it is relatively easy to find a device that is comfortable, discreet and meets your needs. The following three brands are some of the best and most popular on the market:

  1. Eargo – The best overall hearing aid brand, offering wide range of discreet, comfortable, FDA-registered Class 1 devices.
  2. Lively – The best brand for device design. Lively is committed to destigmatizing the use of hearing aids.
  3. Widex – The best brand for sound quality. Widex devices feature excellent feedback suppression and background noise reduction.

While the information in this guide can point you in the right direction, it is essential that you speak to your general practitioner or audiologist before rushing into a hearing aid purchase. Seeking expert advice is the smartest way to ensure you get the best value and hearing aids that meet your particular needs.